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Holistic Cancer support

ATTENTION: Cancer Patients, In Remission and Even after Treatment

Want more energy, mitigate pain, reduce the risk of recurrence, clear mind, boost immunity, have more vitality and much more...

Give me Five Hours, I'll Show you...

How To Go From Annoying Sick Due To Cancer To Break Free From The Prison Of Cancer Symptoms, In Your Wellness Efforts...

And Claim Your Life Back.

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    Georgina Salgado Chavez 

    Alternative Medicine Physician

    Holistic cancer support

    Is This Event For Me and My Health...?

    wellness for ancer patients

    YES! This Fight On Event is For you, Even if you've....

    • Never use alternative medicine to improve your health.

    • Tried other programs and failed

    • No reliable, consistent, predictable results. 

    • thought that the cancer that you were diagnosed with was "different" (guess what, it's not!).

    • Fight-On works even if you are currently taking treatment, in remission, after cancer treatment, or you just want to prevent cancer.

    • Fight-On cancer support system WORKS!

    YES! Our Proven Step by Step FIght-On cancer support system

    May help to stop visits to doctors, avoid cancer recurrence, cut medicine, boost immunity, have more energy and gain vitality IN 2023!

    ...Using our Easy and simple method works to improve your overall health...without trying nearly as hard.

    From Georgina Salgado Chavez

    Dear Frustrated cancer patient:

    Are You Afraid alternative medicine won't work for annoying cancer symptoms?

    Chemo  was annoying for us as well, at one point....so you're in good company; and I'll explain what I mean in just a sec.

    But First, if you're struggling with annoying side effects of cancer, or treatment, longer than three months ...(or longer than you'd care to admit)

    ...and your life is vanishing in front of you, with no hope and so much suffering...then this message is for you..

    That goes doubly if you want nothing more than to be healthy so you can have a quality life and live your life again.

    Here's the story

    My son struggled for years, no matter what I did...no matter how healthy we were living and eating ...and the rest of the blah blah blah I was thought to do.....

    I wasn't getting my son out of chemotherapy like I was promised.

    What was I doing wrong?

    what is it, my diet or exercises"

    Why is it my approach?

    what's he destined to be sick ... (ugh, I hope not...)

    I felt like God was against us and my son didn't have a chance... (which was the number one problem for me) I didn't know what I was doing... more about that in a second)

    I know how shocking this may sound, as I've run a holistic medicine practice that helps cancer patients, in remission and after cancer treatment..

    But you know what..:?

    Before I got to where I am today, I was missing the root cause of his disease most of the time, and focusing on symptoms that were useless for anyone suffering a chronic illness. 

    After years and years of banging my head against the wall...trying numerous remedies, classes, spending thousands of dollars, following advice of so called "gurus" (DOCTORS) IN MEDICINE... I eventually figured it out.

    ( and of course came years of trial and error, hundreds of thousand of dollars, sweat and tears)

    Cancer support system
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    Did you catch that last part....

    See, most of the cancer patients get trapped into what I call "the dream treatment",  the only one and unique treatment, and everything else is quackery.

    ...They forgot the number one thing is healing, long term transformation....not your symptoms. keeping you in the system forever...even if you are suffering.

    Remember, big pharma doesn't  care about your health, Instead, in keeping you in the system as a customer, for the rest of your life.

    When most people get sick, doctors recommend pharmaceuticals. They forget the body needs nutrients to survive.

    ...Just think, pharma sponsors college.

    Once you flip your mindset and focus on your body needs, lifestyle and environment changes....your body will begin to heal.

    Practically, overnight, my son went from fighting for his life...to an energetic normal 9 year-old boy.

    This is the secret cancer patients miss.

    And if they venture down the path that most cancer patients follow, it can take years to recover...

    That's why I pulled all my resources, grab the best of the best teachers in alternative medicine....

    And I put together a FIGHT-ON cancer support system, to help you to transform your health and your body.

    The best part 

    You don't have to do it alone. I am here to hold your hand through the process

    With that said. I want to cordially invite you to join the program....

    FIGHT ON Cancer Support System

    From Annoying Cancer Symptoms To Being Healthy and Full of Vitality 

    When you say "YES" TODAY, we'll show you, in just five hours, how quickly you can go from annoying cancer symptoms to being healthy and full of vitality in front of your eyes.

    Once this transformation is complete, you and your body can cut the prison of cancer symptoms.

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    Here's What you Expect From The Class:

    First Hour: Welcome and Introductions...

    Identify the cause of your particular cancer.

    Hour 1 & 2 You'll learn:

    I'll show you all of my assessment tools, Everything you need and want to fall into place.

  • How to go from annoying sick to a full of being vitality, by addressing the "root cause of disease" 

  • Why root cause medicine can help you to improve your health.

  • How to transform your body...how to approach your body needs and wants

  • Cancer support system
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    Second Hour: How to customize a treatment strategy unique to you.

    Once you understand the fundamentals of root cause medicine, we'll show you how to craft a treatment strategy exclusively for you.

    Hour 3.4.5, You'll Learn:

    Cancer support system
  • Why discovering the root cause is one of the most critical components in treatment...how to know if your treatment is the right one for you.

  • How to get the fight-on cancer support system , to have the certainty and only option.

  • Why 95% of cancer patients today (yes, every guru in medicine, doctor), mess up their treatment and how to avoid their common life threatening pitfalls.

  • The Class is Live and we are only accept a small amounts of Registrants.

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    Your Special Guests

    During The Training!

    Meet Your Host:

    Georgina Salgado Chavez

  • Alternative Medicine Physician Since 2006. Specialist in Cancer Support, Cancer Prevention and Chronic Disease

  • Georgina No. 1 Best Seller., teaches lifestyle and environment changes to obtain optimal health and free patients from the jail of diseases.

  • Lives in Chicago and is a very  proud mother of three.

  • Cancer support system


    I'll Should You..

    Holistic cancer treatments

    ...How to go From Annoying Sick To Break Free of The Prison Of Cancer Symtoms.

    In Your wellness efforts


    Fight-On Cancer Support System


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